SEO Training Program
Course Syllabus
Theory Concepts - Three Days: Step by Step explanation of all the topics as given below will be done with suitable examples:
Roles and responsibilities of a Search Engine Optimization Professional
• What characteristics will help you become a good Search Engine Optimization Professional?
• Some good websites to keep you abreast of the latest happenings in the SEO industry.
• Some characteristics that make great Search Engine Optimization Professionals.
• Ethical responsibilities of the Search Engine Optimization Professional.
Search Engines and Directories
• What are Search Engines?
• Types of Search Engines.
• How Search Engines work and how they rank websites based upon a search term ?
• What are Directories and how do they differ from Search Engines?
• Difference between Search Engines and Directories.
• What is Open Directory project and how can a listing in DMOZ boost my SEO effort?
• What is the importance of Yahoo directory listing?
• How do you submit your site to search engines/directories?
• How do you monitor the performance of your website in the search engines?
Introduction to SEO and what it involves
• What is the importance of search for websites and how can SEO save valuable dollars in advertising expenses?
• Which search engines should I concentrate on while performing SEO activities?
• Who can or should perform SEO activities?
• What are the areas of operation for Search Engine Optimization Professional?
Keyword selection and optimization strategies
• Keywords - the key to successful SEO.
• What is the importance of keywords in SEO?
• How do you search for the right keywords that will help bring in the most traffic?
• What is keyword density and how should you optimize keyword density for the search engines?
• What is keyword prominence and how does it effect the SEO efforts?
• How should keywords with two or more words be ideally placed within the webpage? What is Keyword proximity?
Images, Search Engines and Google Page Rank
• What is the effect of adding images in the webpage from the SEO perspective and how can you optimize images within the webpage?
• What is keyword stuffing and why you should avoid it?
• More about Google and Page Rank (PR)
• What is Google Page Rank?
• More on GoogleBot - Google's web crawler.
• What is the Google dance and deep crawling?
• What are Google Advanced Operators?
Tuning the Meta Tags
• What are meta tags and how do they help in SEO efforts?
• What is the Robots.txt file and how can it be used to pass on instructions to search engine robots?
• How do you create a Robots.txt file?
• What is meta refresh tag?
Important factors that effect the SEO
• What are the advantages of a site map for SEO?
• Should you use image maps?
• What is the best way to use splash or flash intro pages?
• How do you optimize Java script within your webpage?
• Solutions to improve the usage of Java scripts.
• How can you optimize the use of frames within the web pages?
• How can you use CSS to hide keywords in pages that are deficient in keywords and text?
• What is Site Popularity?
Good and Bad SEO Techniques
• What are Doorway Pages?
• What are Hallway Pages?
• Do dynamically generated pages such as with ASP get indexed by the search engines?
• What is Cloaking?
• Does Google prefer themed in-bound links?
• What are the reasons for which I could get penalized by Google?
• White hat SEO Techniques.
• Black hat SEO Techniques.
• In what ways could Google penalize me?
Link Popularity and Linking Strategies
• What is link popularity and how can it effect your search engine ranking?
• What are the important aspects of a links program for a website?
• What are authority sites and what significance do they have for sites linking to them?
• How can you get links from quality websites that will make a bigger difference in the SERP's?
• How to give a press release and get instant in-bound links and traffic?
• What tools can you use to increase in-bound links from other sites?
• Creating a network of your websites to boost your links program.
• What are link-filters in Google?
• Can reciprocal links be bad for your website?
• What are natural links?