6 Dec 2011

How to Reduce Bounce Rate ?

According to search engines, Bounce rate is the percentage of single-page visits or visits in which the person left your site from the entrance landing page.people were confused with bounce rate. It is not rocket science guys! See if a page has bounce rate of 70% means that 70% of the readers/visitors who landed on that page decided to leave your my blog.

1.Layout And Design : You should be careful when choosing between magazine and normal layout theme. Many recommended Thesis theme for better bounce rate.

2.Original Content : Always publish original content. Never publish duplicate content which will affect your blog in several ways.

3.loading speed : Don’t make your visitors to wait. Your blog’s page views will automatically increase if the pages load faster and quicker.

4.Bounce Rate : I recommend Google Analytics for analyzing your site’s bounce rate. Check your site’s bounce rate regularly and see if there is any change.

5.Optimize The Sidebar : Remove all those useless and time consuming widgets from your site.



  • 9 December 2013 at 16:50
    Unknown says:

    Add this Id for quality link exchange
