16 May 2012

Guest posting tips blog seo news serach engine optimization


Hi, I can share Guest posting Tips Blog.

Guest posting saves great time when you are stuck in exams or engaged in some other off-side work. Google Blogs provide the best blogging experience when it comes to ease and comfort. The User and over all control options are extremely easy to set and play with. Unlike word press where you can display author box using a plugin, in blogger we will have to code things ourselves. Displaying author info at the bottom of the posts can be done in two ways. The first method as you may know is pasting the author info box manually below each post yourself. The problem with this method is of course precious loss of time. Manually adding an author box below each post could turn out to be a headache therefore an automatic way would be the best. You have seen the above author box displaying introduction of below all his posts. This box appears automatically below each post published by his shared blogger account. We used conditional tag to make it work and its really just two lines of code, the rest is all design. Let’s understand few things before jumping straight at the tutorial

1. Where You Want to Submit a Guest Post.

If you want to have any chance at convincing another blogger to publish your guest post on his or her blog, then it's absolutely imperative that you take some time to get to know the other blogger, the content of his or her blog and the audience for that blog. Take some time to read through the blog's current content and archives. Read through the comments and get a feel for what content is acceptable and popular on that blog.

2. You Know Something about Blogging Sites.

if you send your guest post in a Word document but User has to take extra steps to copy and paste it into remove extra HTML code that Word automatically embeds. Make sure the other blogger understands that you will make it very easy for him or her to publish your guest post. Also, ensure the other blogger knows that you will provide content that is unique to his or her blog and that all images and content you provide will be yours or properly cited to avoid problems.

3. You’re provided Best Content.

When it comes time to actually write your guest post, make sure the content you provide to the other blogger is your absolute best. Provide your guest post on time, free of spelling and grammatical errors, and in the agreed upon format to increase your chances of being asked to return as a guest blogger. Also, don't overload your post with links to your own blogs or websites and other online activities.



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